Gurjot sketched


Hi! You probably know me from somewhere. Yep, that's me. That Gurjot.

I dabble in software, education, data, writing, and things in-between. You will find most of it on this website. I have just given this site a fresh coat of paint. Hope you like it. Ignore the patchwork, it'll be fixed soon.

My ephemeral thoughts show up in this stream of consciousness microblog sometimes, in case you are interested.

Have fun! I'll be around.

→ there's fun stuff this way →


What I have been reading

If there are articles and books that you really enjoyed and think I would like too, please please please email me about them! I would love it.


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This list is automatically updated based on the recently saved articles in my Readeck app. See also: Link Blog


My goodreads profile is a bit more regularly updated than this list.