Who is Gurjot?
TL;DR - Full stack idiot.

I work on the intersection of human behaviour, systems dynamics and education.
As of February 2025, I divide my time across these activities -
Current Hobby Project
- I am working on a small business intelligence tool. More information soon!
- I work as a consultant for education planning and data management with multi-lateral agencies and grassroots NGOs. I provide assistance to the government in overhauling their data processes, establishing a clear data strategy and developing reporting and visualisation platforms. My work is divided between creating and running new stuff, and building state capacity.
- I hack together projects like Buzee, Deadline, and Chachi.app to learn new technologies and create proof of concept experiments.
- Sometimes I create CSV data dumps out of PDF publications about India’s education sector. You can see them under all my projects on the front page.
- I do an above-average amount of reading and watching. This information sometimes gets turned into Book Notes, Distilled Knowledge, or a blog/newsletter post.
- I run a project called XYZ Explained where I provide short explainers on topics picked from my bizarre interests. These currently include only English meanings of popular Punjabi songs but (hopefully) will include stuff like data management in the social sector, technology architecture, and internet sub-cultures.
- I write rants on this blog. Mostly about education in India.
- I write on my newsletter over here. Mostly about questions that I am presently struggling with.
In another life I briefly did computational science research, theatre and stand-up comedy. I also ran a podcast with a friend.
These days I am trying to stay on top of my work while managing to reduce my screen time, read more classic books, and get some exercise in.
I think I am a generalist? (As defined in Range (my notes))
I exist on the internet as thatgurjot.
So it goes.