
Am I a digital gardener now?

I fell for the lure of <firstname>@<emailprovider>. $100 later, here I am, trying to extract value out of the investment by using the built-in newsletter/blog service.

For many years I have struggled with the intention of escaping the clutches of ad-monetised ‘free’ platforms and the reality of running with the crutches of server maintenance. (sudo apt-get forgivemefatherforIcantdocker) It is indeed possible to do everything yourself but it is such a hassle, isn’t it? That’s why you pay someone else to do it for you. I mean, this is the entire premise of the hotel and food industry. You’re simply paying off impending mental debt in advance.

I can somewhat (fore)see the rise of paid platforms on the Internet in the coming decade. I am already on quite a few of them, for -

  • Email
  • Entertainment
  • Shopping
  • Security
  • Hosting

And it makes sense, right? There are no free lunches. Someone has to foot the bill for your grandma’s recipes blog - it better be you (or your grandma) than a sneaky advertiser. (Oh, how much do we hate that word)

I guess this makes me a digital gardener then. This newsletter-blog hybrid. I already have a self-hosted blog so I don’t know how the two are going to reconcile but I like the lure of collecting subscriber email addresses that Hey World offers.

Here we go then.

Welcome to my yard.

Update: I gave up on <emailprovider> after 6 months. Their service was too slow for my liking. So I set up <firstname>@<website> instead. And ported my newsletter posts here as well. Same, but different.

Recent Newsletter Posts

  1. Where were you on 3rd June, 2022?
  2. Do you even protein, bro?
  3. Should we become storm avoiders?
  4. Why Post isn't going anywhere
  5. How seriously do you take your (work)life?