Who is Gurjot?

TL;DR - Full stack idiot.


I work on the intersection of human behaviour, systems dynamics and education.

As of June 2023, I divide my time across these activities -

Current Hobby Project

  • I am making a search engine of sorts called Buzee.


  • I work as a consultant for education planning and data management with a UNICEF state office in India. I provide assistance to the government in overhauling their data processes, establishing a clear data strategy and developing reporting and visualisation platforms. My work is divided between creating and running new stuff, and building state capacity.


  • I worked as a consultant with an education consultancy group. We work across India with many governmental agencies and NGOs. The focus of our work has been on socio-economically disadvantaged learning environments.
  • I worked as a freelance consultant offering services in data analysis, workshop facilitation and Ed-Tech. I have done some work in the gender and sexuality space as well.


  • I hack together small projects like Deadline, Chachi.app and Buzo.xyz to learn new technologies and create proof of concept experiments.
  • Lately I have been creating CSV data dumps out of PDF publications about India’s education sector. You can see them under all my projects on the front page.
  • I do an above-average amount of reading and watching. This information gets turned into Book Notes, Distilled Knowledge, or a blog/newsletter post.
  • I started a new project called XYZ Explained where I provide short explainers on topics picked from my bizarre interests. These (hopefully) will include song lyrics, technology architecture and internet sub-cultures among others.


  • I write rants on this blog. Mostly about education in India.
  • I write on my newsletter over here. Mostly about questions that I am presently struggling with.

In another life I briefly did computational science research, theatre and stand-up comedy. I also ran a podcast with a friend.

These days I am trying to stay on top of my work while managing to reduce my screen time, read more classic books, and get some exercise in.

I think I am a generalist? (As defined in Range (my notes))

I exist on the internet as thatgurjot.

So it goes.


Last modified: May 24, 2024